Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Global Warming Claim

As bad as it sounds, I personally never watch the news or read the papers to find out what’s going on in our world just for the fact that I feel like the media exaggerates everything and would rather do more research on Tiger Woods cheating on his wife than anything of actual importance. I also have never been that interested in nature and the environment so it’s hard to pick a side on something I’ve never really been educated on or passionate about. After the past week in our discussions of global warming however I have come to the conclusion that this event is definitely occurring and being caused by greenhouse gases made mostly by humans. It is a scientific fact that Global warming is caused by an increase of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere from the use of fossil fuels (gas, oil, and coal). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has confirmed that most of the temperature increase in the 20th century was caused from the growth of greenhouse gases caused by human activity such as fossil fuel burning.


  1. The point that you mention that the global warming is caused by the greenhouse gases is totally resonable. what I think is that it would be better if you especify other points that causing the global warming like natural radiation and the what are the harmful affects of the global warming.
    Obviously the temperature is raised by the green house gases but there are some countries from which the tons- tons of gases are evolved from the industries. As we know that we can not cut the demand of the people but we can use the alternate way to cut the greenhouse gases like treeplantation, greenhouse gses absorber, and converting in to differnt produt so that we can use in the form of energy. I am agree with the global warming is occuring but in very slow way.

  2. I do not agree with your post. While it may be a scientific fact that global warming is caused by an increase of carbon dixoide, it has NOT been proven that the increase is a result of use of fossil fuel. It has speculated to be the cause. Fact and specualation are two different tigers. Anada then goes on to say "Obviously the temperature is raised by the green house gases." Where is the proof supporting that? How do we not know that the temperature is rising due to solar flares, or volcanic activity? There is even a study to show that dogs breathe out twice the CO2 that humans breathe and that perhaps due to the number of dogs on earth, that they are the cause of the temperature rising. You also quote the IPCC-"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has confirmed that most of the temperature increase in the 20th century was caused from the growth of greenhouse gases caused by human activity such as fossil fuel burning." Are you familar with the IPCC? The IPCC does not even carry out it's own original research. The IPCC has been accused of having ties to politics and is shrouded with controversy. One of those controversies is that the IPCC edited out sections that were written by selected scientists in order to comply with the report summary. The introduction and the summary of the IPCC's report was written enitrely by politicians under the mandate of the UN,the input of actual scientists was minimal. So that leads us back to just what proof is there that global warming is caused solely by greenhouse gasses?

  3. I see where you are going with your argument. I also do not frequent watching the news do to the graphic and sometimes false ways that the real news is portrayed. I am also following the false media pieces as my paper to turn into Mr. B. I can understand also not being that involved in what is going on around us in the environment. We are all tied up in our personal lives to really concern ourselves with something we may feel that we cannot control. But as you mention the more that you watch on videos and different environmental viewpoints you are getting more educated on the overall picture of global warming. You have added some really good facts at the end of your blog that may act as good research points in your final paper. You may never really use this information much in the future but it is really helpful to know the facts and where you are gaining this information. We all hope that one day we can eliminate the amount of fossil fuels that we use to help the environment. But until that comes we should all do our part on being good energy conservers.

  4. Since this post and after researching more and reading State of Fear my standpoint on the issue of global warming has completely changed. I do not believe it is occuring, I mean come on it just snowed in Texas at the end of February how on earth can we say the "globe is warming"? I believe that there are gases being produced by humans that our unhealthy for our environment and that we should take action and try and prevent it, but the epidemic of global warming I disagree with.
