Thursday, February 25, 2010

steviee the polarized bear

Are we in a state of fear?

I believe our world is definately in a "state of fear" when it comes to many things, not just global warming. The media is so quick to make a huge story out of something that could possibly not even be true or that big of a deal. Lets be real with ourselves, people love drama and gossip, no matter who you are and global warming is just another way for the government and media to grab the attention of of everyone and keep us in a constant fear. They use fear as a tactic when talking about global warming because without that emotion, no one would really care about it.

To what extenet is Kenner the mouthpeice of Crichton?

In the book "State of Fear" the author uses a writing style where he expresses all the different opinions through different characters. Since Michael Crichton does not believe in global warming, it is safe to say that he is using Kenner to be his mouthpeice in the book. Crichton seems to express all of his opinions and supports them with facts through Kenner, and to make this book not completely dull he adds an opposing viewpoint from the character of Evan. I do believe that there is way too much talking from Kenner and not enough action. He has plenty of facts to support his theory and expresses them to try and get his point across but in reality he hasn't done much of anything but talk.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Global Warming Picture

I am not trying to say I believe in global warming with this picture, I was going for more of a sarcastic tone.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Global Warming Claim

As bad as it sounds, I personally never watch the news or read the papers to find out what’s going on in our world just for the fact that I feel like the media exaggerates everything and would rather do more research on Tiger Woods cheating on his wife than anything of actual importance. I also have never been that interested in nature and the environment so it’s hard to pick a side on something I’ve never really been educated on or passionate about. After the past week in our discussions of global warming however I have come to the conclusion that this event is definitely occurring and being caused by greenhouse gases made mostly by humans. It is a scientific fact that Global warming is caused by an increase of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere from the use of fossil fuels (gas, oil, and coal). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has confirmed that most of the temperature increase in the 20th century was caused from the growth of greenhouse gases caused by human activity such as fossil fuel burning.